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We are Kurtis (right) and Tom (left), 2 qualified teachers with 15 years of experience within education and teaching between the 2 of us, specialising in Maths. We have worked within mainstream, special needs, alternative provisions, adult education and teaching abroad over the years (from China to Mexico), and want to make the learning experience more accessible to everyone, by also making Maths engaging and more fun.
We developed our Mathsopoly curriculums for Maths, based on the National Curriculum, Entry Levels, Functional Skills and GCSE - yes, we created 4 Mathsopoly curriculum sets. With the aim to engage students particularly with special needs by adding gamification to it, we have used and proved that this works. Though this is not available to buy publicly yet (due to some licensing issues that we're slowly working on to resolve), we are open to this product being tested in schools who are willing to try it and give constructive feedback on it. Tom is the lead on our Mathsopoly curriculum, continually building on this with more resources and improving the structure and content, with Kurtis primarily developing the tracking systems.
Tom has also developed our Mathsopoly Curriculum into an efficient, self-marking, Google Classroom resource, to improve efficiency and feedback with learning, this has proven to be effective with his recent adult learners class.
Kurtis develops our YouTube channel, designed to provide simpler videos that are clear, easy to follow and modern, with interactivity a key part in it.
Though we work together and both have experience across areas, we each have our maths specialties:
Tom: Entry Levels, Functional Skills, GCSE Foundation
Kurtis: GCSE (Foundation & Higher), A-Level (and above)
The pictures at the top show us in some of our previous work environments, and places we've visited. You can see us at CERN too where the Large Hadron Collider is located.
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